Saturday, July 24, 2010

Julie and Julia

So I just finished watching Julie and Julia and personally, unless you like cooking, I wouldn't really recommend you see this.

The movie has two alternating storyline. The first is about Julia Child, played by Meryl Streep (Mamma Mia!, the Devil Wears Prada, River Wild). In this storyline, you see how the world famous French chef became a chef. In the other storyline, you see Julie Powell, played by Amy Adams (Leap Year, Enchanted). Julie starts a blog where she will document her experiences while trying to cook the whole Julia Child cook book.

Personally, I thought this movie was kind of boring. There was absolutely no drama whatsoever. Each scene was dull and throughout the movie, I felt as though the plot wasn't advancing quick enough. That being said, the casting was great. Both Streep and Adams were perfect fit, but sometimes Streep's accent in the movie was annoying.

I know it's based on a true story so you can't really change much but here’s what I would have done. Set the movie in 2003, a year before Child died. Then have the Adams character get so caught up in cooking, that her husband leaves her and then she sets out to meet Child. Maybe that’s just me. Either way, don't see this movie.

Quick Note. this is the same director who did Sleepless in Seattle and When Harry Met Sally. Both are far and away better then this.


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