Anyone who is a hockey fan or a Montrealer, you know who Maurice Richard was. Maurice “The Rocket” Richard will forever be known as one of the greatest player to lace up a pair of skates. Maurice Richard staring Roy Dupuis depicts the life of Richard. Richard grew up during the Duplessis Era and the Great Depression. As a teenager Richard was forced to drop out of school and went to work in a in a factory, this was as a result of Richard’s family requiring extra income. Despite working in a factory after work it was off to the rink. In the beginning film it depicts the early struggles of Richard’s life with events such as his marriage to his lover, Lucille Norchet, played by Julie Le Breton.
Throughout out the movie Richard struggles with injuries, but unites a city divided by languages with numerous achievements. You see Richard's famous 500th goal, his numerous cup wins and his journey to scoring 50 goals in 50 games
I liked this movie I like how they made use of past and present NHL players such as Mike Ricci who played Elmer Lach, Sean Avery who played Bob Dill, Ian Laperrière who played Bernie “Boom Boom” Geoffrion and of course Vincent Lacavalier who played the great Jean Béliveau.
This movie is a great movie which won 12 awards . It’s a good movie with a great use of Montreal’s two languages. I should point out if you don’t know French well, make sure to have subtitles on. I would recommend this movie to anyone who shares the love for the wonderful game of hockey and a must see for every fan of the Canadians.
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